We are the Barrio Tümpeltown

An Occupation, that exists since 30.09.2022, to advocate for climate and socially fair mobility turnaround and therefor fight against the expansion of the “Südschnellweg” in HANNOVER.

We could avoid a clearing last clearingseason and that is why until now there has notbeen a full clearing. There is still a lot to defend! Together with other groups like “Leinemasch BLEIBT” we do everything we can to avoid this in the next clearing season as well. As long es we excist, there will not be any more clearings for the expansion!

We are grateful for every support, wether it is now during Preparation or during the eviction/clearing! But we do not only fight for a brought shift to environmentally friendly transportaion and therefor against the expansion of the “Südschnellweg”, we also fight for climate justice, queerfeminism and against capitalism! We have a antirassims, antiabelist and antiqueerphobic aspiration for ourselves! To ndo it justice is a constant process and not finished state. At the moment the occupation is still mainly white. We are a autonoms open space in which we want to try out anarchist, but also other progressive hierachy free forms of living together.

If you are not a Faschist, sexist or a cop and support those values, we are glad about you visiting us, your Input, your support or you moving into the Barrio Tümpeltown! You want to vistit the occupation, talk to us about our Perspectives and views or just chill a bit next to the pond? Just visit us in the occupation! Because we are currently tollerated from the governemnt, you basically do not have to expect Repression from Cops. At the moment the situation is very relaxed.

We are happiely looking forward to your visit!

More regarding the background and the history behind Tümpeltown can be found here.

Some impressions from Tümpeltown can be found here.


You will find everything that is updated daily on our Social Media Accounts, if it gets longer or more complicated we also write Blogposts:

    Waldbesetzung in der Leinemasch (Hannover)