latitude: 52.33936
longitude: 9.74920
By city railway/Tram:
Starting at the stop “Fiedelerstraße” (Line 1, 2, 8 ) you want to go right (if driving out of the street) into “Bernwardstraße”. You then go straight all the way, until you stand in front of a bridge crossing the “Leine”. Before the bridge you turn right and follow the way until you reach the two benches, above which you can find an arrow hanging in a tree. There it goes – along the fence of the sportsfield and in the direction of the “Schnellweg” – to Tümpeltown.
By bike:
Coming from north:
● Option A : Along the “Maschsee”, going under the train and the “Südschnellweg” you want to go right behind the sports grounds and then follow the directions by tram.
Watch out: At the construction site between the rail line and the “Schnellweg” there is CCTV, which may film the street as well.
● Option B: Always follow the “Ihme”. At the latest switch to the west bank crossing the “Lodemannbrücke”. After 200m go left down to the river. Crossing under the Rail line follow the way until you reach the “Kiesteiche”. At the top of the “Dreiecksteich” go left. On the end of the pond there is a blue wooden bridge on the left. Go over it and the turn right immediately after. Crossing under the “Schnellweg” you will find two benches located in a left turn. From there follow the instructions of the directions going by train.