Go into Action

Go into action

Defending the Leinemasch together!

The Leinemasch is a protected landscape area in Hanover. From the second week of January, it is under acute threat of deforestation. 16 hectares of forest are to be cleared for the expansion of the Südschnellweg there. Once again, fossil capitalist policies are forcing us to stand in the way of climate-hostile projects. Come along and let’s fight together against the expansion and for climate justice. Action preparation, support structure and the possibility to sleep, you will find all this in the permanent vigil and the occupation of Tümpeltown!

Overview of the most important Information:

++ EA ++
No.: +49 641 201099260
Information about the EA: https://kurzelinks.de/6rcv

++ Paramedics ++
There is a medical tent at the permanent vigil (Dauer-MaWa). They can also be reached at: +4550198168

++ Orientation ++
Directions: https://kurzelinks.de/kvwz
Action map (live): https://kurzelinks.de/gigu

++ Sleeping places ++
Permanent MaWa:
– Camping
– individual solution if necessary
– Ladder structures (no climbing skills required)
– Structures accessible by rope
– Tents (if mud and water permit)

++ Donations ++
Wish list: https://kurzelinks.de/srp9
Anti-repression account:
Rechtsanwalt Hand-Gerd Heidel – Umwelt-Treuhandfonds, IBAN: DE14 2005 0550 1501 6796 72, BIC: HASPDEHHXXX, Verwendungszweck: Leinemasch

++ Day X ++
Day X will be announced in our Telegram Broadcast as soon as it is ready. From then on, this will be the live ticker: https://t.me/Aktionsticker_Leinemasch
Activate SMS alert: https://leinemaschbleibt.de/

++ Arriving ++
In Tümpeltown there is a daily welcome plenary at 6 pm, where you can get all the necessary information about the place and the situation.
At the permanent MaWa there is an open plenary every day at 5 pm.

Support structures such as Küfa, GeSa-Support, Out of Action etc. are at the start – what about you?

All further information such as packing list here on our website

Action map

You can find the action map here

Permanent vigil

From 06.01 there will be a permanent vigil in the Leinemasch. You can find more detailed information at LeinemaschBleibt

Waldbesetzung in der Leinemasch (Hannover)