There are many different ways in whitch you can contribute, if you share our self image. Some initial information can be found here:
Our self image
We have the self image to be queerfeminist, antiauthoritarian/anarchist, anticapitalist, antirassist and antiableist. It obviously is not enough to take up the cause of this. The occupation is sadly not free of barrier-free. Rather, this self-image is to be understood as a constant process.
Visit us
There is a lot that can be done here: treehouse building, actions, connecting, preparing for an eviction, skillshares or simply chilling at the fireplace. Important is, that everyone participates independently in doing the Repro work like dumpster diving, cooking, washing the dishes, tidying up, etc. An explanation, how you get to us can be found here.
More Information
If you like to you are welcome to contact us before your journey. This way we can tell you what the current situation around the occupation and how many sleeping places are approximately available on the tree houses, latter structures and on the camp site. You also can just come by. We are happy about every visit, no matter if it is just for a few hours, a few days or until the expansio of the “Südschnellweg” is history!
What if I have never visited an occupation?
We attempt to make this place as openly accessible as possible. At the same time we know that a forest occupation can be perceived as a deterrent at the Beginning. It can help to gather with friends or in an affinity group to visit together or to visit one of the local climate justice groups and ask if people would accompany you to the occupation. Do not be afraid to ask us questions! Ans always remember: under the disguise/mummery we smile!
Packing list
Please bring for yourself:
- medication, that you need
- hygiene products
- resilient, wetherproof clothing
From the following itmes we have a few in reserve, but we can not guaerantee that there are enough for everyone and the condition might not necessarily be the best:
- sleeping bag + isomat
- own waterbottle, (camping)-dishes
- head lamp (with red light) or flashlight
- tent or hammock + tarp
- working glooves
- climbing harness
At the moment we mostly have enough food to provide for everyone. But especially if you visit us in a bigger group, you are welcome to bring some food with you, if it is possible for you. What is needed at the moment can be found on our wishlist.